Frequently Asked Questions

Dear Customer, Hello and welcome!


Thank you for your interest in our products.


In this file, we provide answers to the most frequently asked questions.


As a bonus, we have added a digital mandala at the end of the file that you can print and use.




All products in our store are digital images with programmed fields embedded within them. We have called such energetically programmed images ‘Digital Mandalas’. This is mentioned in the product title, displayed on the product image, and is also indicated in the YouTube link that redirects to our store. We do not offer audio fields.


Digital mandalas offer numerous advantages over audio files. Unlike audio files, these mandalas, once printed in a small size, can be carried with you, exerting their energetic effect within a range of up to 30 centimeters. This allows you to experience their benefits without impacting others in your home or at work. In every store, we offer these digitally charged images rather than audio files due to their versatile and personal use.


We also offer Digital Mandalas with custom fields, made especially for you according to your needs and circumstances. More about that you can find here:


To use digital mandalas:


  1. Print them out and carry them with you. You can print them small enough to fit in your pocket or wallet. They can also be laminated.


  1. Put them in our Mandala Manager Box, which has been energetically programmed to connect your mandalas or another energetically charged object with your auric field, regardless of where you are. You can find it here: Mandala Manager Box


  1. You can use a special field called The Field Emitter that allows you to make a flash drive or a memory card, containing a folder with your mandalas and the Field Emitter which emits their frequency at a 15 cm radius, which serves as a replacement for print outs. The Field Emitter


  1. You can use a Digital Mandala Manager:
    It works the same as the Mandala Manager Box, but you can use it for both digital files and printouts. It connects them to your auric field and allows you to program at what range the mandala will work, for how long and to elect which mandalas work at a current time.



For more detailed information on how to use our digital mandalas and to better understand their benefits, I'd like to direct you to should provide all the information you need to make the most of our unique products.


If you have any other questions or require further assistance, please visit our forum where you can find information and find fellow users of our products and discuss their use:


Best regards,

