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DM: Energetic Life Coach

This field helps improve every area of your life by helping you find solutions to any problem/issue in your life, while also releasing negative beliefs and subconscious blockages that are causing those problems, and while working on an energetic level to clear any negative interference/suppressive energies. This field is like a telepathic life coach that has the ability to help you realize clearly, exactly what you need to do, to achieve your goals. If you have been feeling “stuck” in life, this field can greatly help you break free.

The areas of your life that this field can help improve includes:

Relationship problems

Addictions and compulsive behavior

Loneliness or loss of a loved one

Feeling stalled/held back in your job, career, etc

Feeling depression, anxiety, etc

This field works in three ways:

It identifies the exact causes of your stress, problems, and anything in your life that is stopping you from achieving your goals - on a conscious, subconscious, and energetic level. It determines what will make the greatest positive change and prioritizes that.

It gives you the best solutions for those problems - you will start to know, “hear” or “see” the solutions for those problems; you will realize exactly what needs to be done (the fastest, easiest, and most effortless solutions)

It starts working on your behalf, clearing all conscious, subconscious, and energetic limitations, blockages, and interference - while also increasing your ability to find solutions, and increasing your inner strength, vitality, and confidence to take action. 


This product contains an energetically programmed image that we have called a "Digital Mandala." All products in the stores are boosted by x3 digital mandalas. 
To find out more about how digital mandalas are used, follow this link:

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