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DM: Harmonia Sphere

This energetically programmed field establishes a profound synchronization between an individual and the natural world, nurturing a deep connection and understanding with all living beings. The essence of this programmed energy radiates a sense of profound goodwill and unity, eliciting an innate response from every creature encountered.

In this state, a person becomes intertwined with nature, resonating in a way that conveys immense love and benevolence. It engenders a profound sense of interconnectedness, leading all beings to perceive the individual as a friend and ally.

Larger creatures, typically perceived as threats, instinctively recognize the individual as a guardian and a source of protection. They honor this unspoken alliance, choosing to coexist without hostility or aggression, confident that, if the need arises, aid will be offered.

Smaller animals, sensing the purity of intention, feel an unspoken bond and express their trust by refraining from alarm calls or defensive behaviors. Insects, often regarded as nuisances, perceive no threat emanating from the person and peacefully coexist, allowing uninterrupted passage without aggression or disturbance.

Should one find themselves in need, the air becomes a channel of support, symbolizing the interconnected web of care and support.

Ultimately, this energetically programmed field fosters a profound sense of harmony, love, and unity between the individual and all living beings, creating a shared space where mutual respect and support form the basis of existence.


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