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DM: Keratin

Keratin is a protein found in the epithelial cells on the surface of your skin. Various types of Keratin are responsible for the growth, renewal, and structural integrity, and strength of your nails, hair, and skin.  Keratin creates fibers that provide support and serve as a protective barrier against the elements. For that reason, there are a lot of products on the market containing Keratin in the hopes that it may help strengthen your own.


However, the best results always come from within.


This field provides your body with the vibration of healthy Keratin and helps it maintain its hair, nails, and skin in optimal health.


This product contains an energetically programmed image that we have called a "Digital Mandala." All products in the stores are boosted by x3 digital mandalas. 
To find out more about how digital mandalas are used, follow this link:

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