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DM: Mind Guard

The Mind Guard is created for individuals who have been targeted by remote influencers, magicians, or entities attempting to alter and manipulate their reality during sleep or while awake, implanting beliefs or foreign energies to mislead, manipulate, and divert them from their path.

The field will embed information into your subconscious and your Higher Self for protection and resistance against those who are trying to infiltrate you.


The concept becomes clearer when compared to the movie Inception, where a seed of thought or understanding is planted to the detriment of the individual, which, if not realized in time, can grow and cause changes in the person's behavior and choices, triggering a cascade of negative consequences for them and their life.

The field will remove already embedded influences you have and will serve as a preventative measure against future attempts.


People who might need such a field could experience:  


 - Someone entering their dreams and projecting images unrelated to their usual ones. There's usually a purpose and reason.  


- Feeling uncharacteristically on a given day. For instance, if you're generally cheerful, suddenly fall into depression or a bad mood without any apparent reason.  


- Unrealistic / intensified emotions - If you experience more zeal, aggression, or any other negative emotion in a situation that is significantly stronger than usual, there might be external influences at play.  


- Conflicts in relationships, within the family, and other areas where a person may be vulnerable are targets for entities looking to draw them into negative energies and drain their energy.  


- Having a firm opinion on a topic that suddenly changes drastically and realistically, without any reason. That is, there's no moment when you've read an argument, information, or anything else that changed your perspective, but it's directly altered.


- People engaged in military activities and other similar professions, where they might be targets for such things.


- People who have long been dealing with entities, sorcerers, and the like.


These are just a few examples, but similar effects can manifest in many other ways.



This product contains an energetically programmed image that we have called a "Digital Mandala." All products in the stores are boosted by x3 digital mandalas. 

To find out more about how digital mandalas are used, follow this link:

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