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Download Books Knowledge

This advanced tool will make the life of people who study a lot easier. This field has been programmed to download the knowledge from the books you want into your subconscious mind. This will help you a lot with fast learning, understanding, and memorizing the things you read. And even if you don’t read this book, when you need the knowledge from it at some moment in your life your brain will send you a “flash” with the information or you will intuitively know what you need.

When you use the mandala say: "Download the whole knowledge of this book (title of the book) in my mind”.  While you do that keep looking at the book cover you would like to download and send a strong intention to the mandala to do that for you.


We have added a strong memory boost and parts of the brain that are related to that are activated more than their usual state. We also included a program to slow your brain waves so you will feel calm and peaceful when studying.

Additionally to the memory boost, we have added the frequency of GABA (Gamma-aminobutyric acid) which will help your brain, and neurotransmitters and also calm the mind and more relaxed states.


This product contains an energetically programmed image that we have called a "Digital Mandala." All products in the stores are boosted by x3 digital mandalas. 
To find out more about how digital mandalas are used, follow this link:


When you use a Digital Mandala from the Knowledge Donwload series it downloads knowledge and understanding about the subject into your sibconscius mind. It also arranges the emergence of opportunities to learn the specific skill. To reap the benefits of those fields you need to do the work, take the opportunities, study, practice the skill so that the downloaded knowledge may surface and speed up your progress manyfold. The effect is as if you suddenly have a genius level talent at this skill, however to become a genius one needs to work hard and study all that they can about their field of choice.

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