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Releasing Vows and Old Soul Contracts

Releasing Vows and Old Soul Contracts That No Longer Serve You

We had past lives where we took vows of Poverty, Charity, Chastity etc. for religious or for other reasons. We may have vowed to love an individual ‘for eternity’ and also hrough marriage we commit to our vows during our wedding ceremony. We may have given a vow for poverty as we were for example a Franciscan monk or hermit and because the vows are powerful intentions given before God, they may still have an effect on us now, even if we don't remember giving them. 

Those vows are not allowing us to live our life fully now when our life circumstances and desires are different. For example if now you can't find a suitable mate, it is possible that in a past life you vowed to be only with one person/soul, who is not in your life now or maybe you have changed your mind and don't want to be with them anymore. Regardless that vow will have an effect and disrupt your love life until you formally revoke it.

We also have vows to serve our Master, our King/ Queen or our country in our past lives and this may be a unnecessary burden now. 

It also appears that we meet and have relationships with the same soul in many lifetimes ( Many Lives, Many Masters/ Same Soul, Many Bodies by Dr. Brian Weiss) The lifetimes with these individuals may be filled with love or filled with pain and hurt and releasing old vows, commitments etc that no longer serve the Soul’s growth, allows the individuals to move on to greater experiences.


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