Starting from:


Self Love and Acceptance

Removing self-limiting beliefs.
Installing empowering, positive beliefs.
Increasing self-worth, acceptance, freedom, and a sense of being loved.
Imagine a field that gently communicates with your subconscious mind, meticulously identifying and eradicating all the self-limiting beliefs you've harbored about yourself. It seamlessly replaces these with empowering, positive beliefs that reinforce your self-worth, acceptance, freedom, and a sense of being loved.

This transformational process rekindles the profound feelings of love and joy that many of us, as adults, struggle to recall. It's about rediscovering and embracing these pure, unadulterated emotions, reminding you of the luminous spirit within you.

Within a mere 1-2 days, you start witnessing subtle yet significant shifts in your mindset. You might find yourself nurturing your well-being more attentively, experiencing a surge in emotional wellness.

This field is a catalyst for self-love and a joyful revival of your inner child. Embrace the journey towards a more fulfilled, happier, and loving you.


This product contains an energetically programmed image that we have called a "Digital Mandala." All products in the stores are boosted by x3 digital mandalas. 
To find out more about how digital mandalas are used, follow this link:

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