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The Book of Health - System Blueprint

This set of 17 mandalas covers all systems in the human body. Each system contains the energetic blueprint of a perfectly healthy system. This is like a frequency library that gives your body instructions how to restore its health in a perfect way. The mandalas are: 


1. Blueprint of Lymphatic system-lymphatic vessels, lymph nodes, bone marrow, thymus, spleen


2. Blueprint of Cardiovascular system -heart, blood, and blood vessels 

3. Blueprint of Brain 

4. Blueprint of Nervous system-central and peripheral nervous system 

5. Blueprint of Endocrine system-hypothalamus, pineal and pituitary glands, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal glands, pancreas, ovary, testis 

6. Blueprint of Skeletal system- bones, skull, pelvis, joints, and cartilage, 

7. Blueprint of Reproductive system – women – uterus, uterine tubes, ovaries, cervix, vagina, clitoris, labium minus, labium majus 

8. Blueprint of Reproductive system men- penis, scrotum, testicles, epididymis, vas deference, accessory glands 

9. Blueprint of Integumentary system -skin, hair, nails 

10. Blueprint of Hearing and Sight 

11. Blueprint of Muscular system -muscles and tendons 

12. Blueprint of Urinary system-kidneys, ureters, bladder, urethra 

13. Blueprint of Digestive system-mouth, tongue, teeth, salivary gland, liver, gallbladder, bile duct, stomach, pancreas, pancreatic duct, small intestine, duodenum, appendices, large intestine, rectum, anus 

14. Blueprint of Respiratory system-nose, nasal cavity, sinuses, pharynx larynx, trachea, lungs-bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli 

15. Blueprint of Immune System-all cells and processes 

16. Blueprint of Exocrine system -includes the sebaceous, salivary, sweat, mammary, lacrimal, as well as the liver, glands of the gastrointestinal tract, and other glands that release secretions into the alimentary canal. 

17. Blueprint of Fascia- muscles are held in place and separated by connective tissue sheets called fascia. Fascia has sheets of collagen fibers arranged in different planes to resist forces from several different directions.

IMPORTANT: When you use the mandala for the skeletal system always use the mandalas for the muscular system and the fascia, as they are interconnected and work together.

Bloodline protection.


This product contains an energetically programmed image that we have called a "Digital Mandala." All products in the stores are boosted by x3 digital mandalas. 
To find out more about how digital mandalas are used, follow this link:

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